What if you decided that you are worthy of time and space for your creative pursuits, if not every single day, then at least once a week?
What if your life included space for your creativity, not because someone else deemed you good enough, or because the result is so spectacular, but because you want it, you validate it and you feel the benefits every single time you make something?
What I want for you is that you dedicate yourself to your creativity. Your writing or art doesn’t happen on a catch-as-catch-can basis. Instead, your creative work is a priority. Of course, you still fit it in between things, but you know how to care for your creative self, aka your artist1.
It may seem easy to know your artist, yet it takes time and effort to get to know your creative needs. We like to think that a book about productivity or a hack will do the trick of making sure our creativity gets a place in our lives.
But instead, knowing ourselves is the key to creative satisfaction. I believe it’s through trial and error, practice, and commitment that we learn how to care for and feed our most creative selves. Getting to know our artist and honoring their needs is one of the most empowering things we can do. Excuses fall away. Fears are present, but we know how to manage them.
We no longer flail in confusion or avoidance of our creative gifts. Instead, we dedicate time and energy to them. We allow the ebb and flow of our lives to feed our creative dreams. Our creativity is no longer a dreamed-of, faraway place. It’s central to how we live. When this happens, we feel our vitality and every part of our lives feels better.
I know this not only from my own experience but also from my work as a coach. I’ve spent decades in conversations with creatives, and every conversation is focused on how we make room in our lives for our creative work.
Initially, this work is unpaid, unsung, unpublished, and unseen. It often takes many years before anyone outside of a few people know about the work. Because of this, we are the ones who validate the work. We must stake a claim for the time, energy, and bandwidth required to make art and writing that matters.
Every single person I have coached has different circumstances and creative styles. But we do share some needs. I’ve gathered everything I know about what people require to make their creative work a priority into this program. Your Artist Knows the Way is designed as an interactive program that guides you to design your life with your art at its center. A successful creative life considers much more than just time in the studio or at the desk.
Finally, your life will be crafted in such a way that your creativity is important, nay, vital to your well-being. It’s not something that happens randomly or only if you somehow have extra time on the weekend. Because we know that if you are going full-tilt, and have extra time on Saturday, you’re likely to collapse in a heap rather than dive into creative work.
When I say ‘artist’, I mean all kinds of making, including writing. If you want to replace ‘artist’ with ‘writer’ throughout this process, by all means do so.