I loved these reflections on practices and rituals-like you, I think I have quite a few ritual practices and they tend to all be about being intentional, being present and choosing where my attention goes. Have a good week Cynthia!

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Thank you, Astrid! You're right - the main thing is our intention. No matter what we call it, that's what matters.

You have a good week, too!

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My daughter died last week Cynthia. I’ve been in Vermont for three months returning to Boulder tomorrow. Sitting here reading your beautiful post on ritual with train falling on the roof. I have created a collage for Caroline every morning since she died as my grief and joy ritual honoring her. I share them daily with friends and my artists group as community while I walk this path. Thank you for providing these contemplative spaces for us to grow in as well! Much love.

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Oh Camilla, my heart goes out to you. I can only imagine all that you have been through and are going through.

It's so great that your artist is helping you process your grief and also bringing joy. Collage seems like a great medium for this time.

Thank you so very much for letting me know, and for sharing this beautiful practice with us here.

My heart is with you.

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Jun 24Liked by Cynthia Morris

Thank you so much Cynthia. What’s the saying? This is when the rubber meets the road. Our rituals and practices truly pay off and serve us in times like these. I’m grateful.

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So true!

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Jun 23Liked by Cynthia Morris

I haven’t explored the idea of “ritual” as I’ve associated with things like lighting candles which don’t do it for me. But I’ve just reframed my music, exercise and meditation as ritual, based on your definition, and it feels good. Exciting even.

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I like that, Karen. And yes, certain words have specific connotations that can mean nothing for us. This is why I want us to define things for ourselves. Our 'rituals' may look like nothing or even an oddity to others. But it could be an important part of going into our creative zone.

I am happy to hear some pings of excitement for you and your music!

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Jun 25Liked by Cynthia Morris

I was doing a guided meditation this morning, and the guide used the term “expression of care”. Ping! I’ve added that to my definition of ritual to emphasise that it benefits me.

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Love it when something works for you!

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Jun 23Liked by Cynthia Morris

I am not sure I understand what you mean by "naming and framing."

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Great question, Tab!

Naming things gives them a frame of reference. You know how families or couples or friends have phrases or words they use that operate as a shorthand for things?

Like that, when our artist has names for things, it gives them a sense of structure or frames. Examples include:

My author zone (instead of my desk)

Having a working title (instead of 'a book I'm writing')

My writing practice (instead of 'I write whenever I can).

Does that help clarify it? Again, thanks for asking.

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Jun 24Liked by Cynthia Morris


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